Tuesday 13 March 2012

Welcome to my blog about Ötzi the Iceman!

Here you will read information in regards to:

  • Who he was
  • Where he was discovered
  • How he was discovered
  • Items found on the Iceman's body and how they enhance our knowledge and understanding of the man and the times in which he had lived
  • The changing interpretations about the Iceman's cause of death, from the time of his discovery to the present. 
  • Issues relating to the custodianship and ownership of the Iceman and the ethics involved in displaying his human remains

The Iceman from the chest up lying on stainless steel table, with his left arm across his body just between the top of his right shoulder and under his chin
Otzi the iceman, now housed at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, Italy

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