Tuesday 20 March 2012

1. South Tyrol Museum of Archaeoloy (2003) "Otzi- The Iceman" http://www.iceman.it/en/node/233 2003. (17/03/2012)
2. Ellie Crystal (1995) "Otzi the iceman" http://www.crystalinks.com/otzi.html (no date of publication) (19/3/2012)
3. Viewzone (2004) "Otzi: The 5000 year old murder case--SOLVED!" http://www.viewzone.com/oetzi.html 2008. (20/3/2012)
4. British Broadcasting Corporation (2007) "Death of the Iceman" http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2001/iceman.shtml (no date of publication) (15/3/2012)
5. News Science (2008) "Otzi the Iceman: Up close and personal" http://www.newscientist.com/gallery/dn17070-otzi-ice-man (no date of publication) (20/03/2012)
6. James.M.Deem (1998) "About Otzi" http://www.mummytombs.com/otzi/findspot.htm 2010. (20/3/12)

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