Saturday, 17 March 2012

Account for the changing interpretations about the Iceman's cause of death, from the time of his discovery to the present.


Throughout the years of historical investigation, there was no clear answer to how the Iceman died. Interpretations about his cause of death kept changing, in accordance to different discoveries in regards to his physical features and items found with him.

Spindler initially explained Otzi's death through a natural disaster where the iceman was simply a "Victim of the weather" and suffered from hypothermia following a sudden storm in the Alps.

Using X-Rays and Cat scans, it was revealed that Otzi's ribs were severely distorted so Spindler concluded his death through the 'Disaster Theory' where Otzi was severely wounded from a violent encounter within his village and fled to the mountains for refuge where he then dies of hypothermia.

Through continued investigation and the implementation of new scientific techniques, Spindler's initially accepted his 'Disaster Theory' has proven invalid.

After ten years of extensive researching, Paul Gosner X-Rayed the body using Computerised Tomography and discovered a significantly overlooked feature. In Otzi's shoulder there was a foreign body, later identified as a flint arrowhead throughout the cat scan. This significantly overturned previous theories of the Iceman's death and promoted a new, more convincing one.

Otzi was believed to have been attacked and when he tried to escape he had been shot by an arrow but still managed to escape into the mountains. He managed to pull out the arrow shaft but not the arrowhead. Once reaching his destination, he was suffering from exhaustion, shock and a great loss of blood.
An analysis of the area of flesh the arrow has pierced indicated that it had hit a lot of arteries which would have contributed significantly to his death. 
"Through the use of Scientific technology and methodology as well as some historical reference, the  Iceman's cause of death was finally established"


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